Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Mischa, where be thy muse?

I'm a gamer. I roleplay mostly, but I also play weird board and card games, and have been known a time or two to pick up console or computer games, no to mention steeping my childhood in a healthy dose of coin-operated video games. The Forge is a site dedicated to independent role-playing games. I don't want to discuss any hardcore theory here about the "indie movement," but just know that many folks are rabid about game theory.

Myself, not so much. I like to play. I have a notion that I want to be a game designer, though. But like the wannabe writer whose real writer friend fears the wannabe has no stories to tell, I know that I don't burn with a passion to create games the way some of the more prolific authors (both conventional, pardon the pun, and independent) out there seem to. But sometimes I get an idea and I run with it.

This post kicks off the October 2005 Ronnies, one of those time-limited directed-creativity catalyst events that seem to catch me unaware. At any rate, I saw the creative keywords last night and two of them connected in my brain and started thinking about a game.

At this point, do me a kindness and pretend that I inserted a pithy yet maddeningly appropriate classical quotation about how fickle be mine muse.

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