Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Shared and sharing, Web 2.0 style

Google, in their infinite wisdom, makes it easy to compile a list of "Hey, that's interesting" articles into a single page for public consumption. This kicks the pants out of me writing single posts that say "Heck, check this out- I think it's neat" and then a link to the whatever it is. I honestly don't think it's laziness, but rather a courtesy to my readers. I don't want to turn the Non-Waterlogged Blog into a rotating link du jour series of posts. I still have a lot to say, and this blog should remain my primary platform and soapbox to open my brain to the world.

Instead, I throw all this stuff into the sidebar. (Look on the right for a box called "What's on my RSS" and you can see what I'm reading these days.)

In the last few months, I discovered there's a super easy way to hoover all these shared links into a handy Javascript widget to slide into my Blogger template. Ah, Javascript, how I love thee. Once I took the five minutes to decide on a color scheme and set it up, now it takes a single click at the bottom of an article in Google Reader and posts automagically appear here on my blog.

Naturally, I'd rather that you come over to my blog and read stuff here- I'm trying to get my ad revenue above ten bucks this year. Everyone likes RSS, though, so feel free to check out the public page directly and RSS that.


Jay said...
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