New Year Resolutions
This year, I resolve to:
De-clutter. I'm going to craigslist or eBay one thing a week, minimum. This includes trading/selling any media I have: books, games, CDs, etc. This also means actually throwing crap away and unpacking/sorting boxes of stuff I've been hauling around, getting rid of clothing that doesn't fit me, and trying to simplify. I'm a packrat by nature, so this is a big one.
Publish. By the end of the year, I will have at least one game available for purchase by strangers. If this means revamping 1984 Prime and going through Lulu, or finding a printer and putting out a card game, or photocopying the back of a napkin and handing it out with pencils on the street corner, I'm going to get at least one game out there.
Blog. I will blog more regularly, focusing on at least one movie review a week and more timely game session reports.
A few other bloggers I read have posted their resolutions.
I'm using these tips to come up with a few resolutions I'll actually keep instead of dozens of "to-do" style items that I'll let slip. Like most of us, I have a good number of other hopes/dreams/desires/self-improvement things on my (to borrow a term from GTD) Someday/Maybe list. Some of these things I'm already making significant progress on- particularly in the realm of personal health (yay, insurance and Diet Dr Pepper), but I'm going to try and focus on achieving a few resolutions this year. As my mom says, "Done is better than perfect."
Steve Pavlina and Alexander Kharlamov also have New Year's articles worth reading.
I like that quote from your mom. It reminds me of a quote I wrote up in caligraphy class:
"If you wait until conditions are perfect to act, you'll never act."
I wrote up some resolutions too!
De-cluttering is a GREAT resolution. Freeing up the space around you clears your mind and really allows your juices to flow, so to speak. I'd HIGHLY recommend checking out the book "Sink Reflections" by Marla Cilley AKA: The Flylady. She also has a website She helped me tremendously and continues to do so everyday.
Oh! And I got a steal on Jungle Speed. Picked it up for $1!! Got two copies!
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