Monday, December 12, 2005

A full weekend

Even unemployed, weekends have meaning.

Friday night, I ran my first game of Dogs in the Vineyard for the so-named "Renegade Roleplayers of Austin" group that I've pulled together. All in all, the players had a good time, and I believe I finally laid to rest any lingering doubts about roleplaying frontier Mormons with a different name. I figure the gang of four got through my town in about five or six hours- we broke around 2AM. If I do up the notes for the town or create an Actual Play post over at The Forge, I'll let my loyal readership know.

Saturday was a day of Netflix. Between the Simpsons and the Family Guy movie, I had a cartoon-riffic day. I also caught up on my sleep.

On Sunday I played Serenity. This session really came together- partially because we played twice in a row with the same players and partially because we removed an in-game complication allowing us to make choices and decisions.

I had a little bit of heaven for dinner, as Cat had made red beans and rice. Believe me when I say that you missed out.

After that, I hung out a bit with Francois and discussed 1984 Prime, New Orleans, publishing, and game geekery in general. I feel the motivation to start selling or -dare I say it?- even playing my game. During the course of the evening, Greg Costikiyan's insightful article I Have No Words & I Must Design, came up in conversation. If you haven't read it and you care about games, I encourage you to give it a read.

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