Movie Juxtaposition: Jarhead (2005) and Hudson Hawk (1991)
Today I've seen two movies: Jarhead and Hudson Hawk.Here's the nickel tours:
JARHEAD: A marine, Anthony Swofford, wrote a memoir. Sam Mendes, director of American Beauty, directed the movie based on the memoir. Cat, Josh, Codename: ELROD, and I all saw said movie today. Very very pretty in places, and quite engaging in others, with some marvelous cinematography. One scene has the Marines standing under a rain of burning oil. That image just sticks in my head. A few comedic moments, mostly in boot camp, echo the inimitable Full Metal Jacket. Scenes in the desert next to blasted civilians and their vehicles certainly effectively creeped me out with a casual morbidity. But by and large, the movie runs too slowly for my taste- I found myself looking at my watch a few times near the end. Like the Viking Game, I wonder if the imperfections remain on purpose as a lesson- in this case, war is a tedious hell. Overall, I give it a "Not bad, don't need to see it again."
HUDSON HAWK: Bruce Willis wrote one screenplay, and this is it. Reminds me of the old saying. You know the one- "There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who love Hudson Hawk, and those who are content to watch recycled mediocre garbage regurgitated by a Hollywood more content to remake old sixties television shows instead of producing something fresh and original." Hudson Hawk still makes me laugh out loud. It's a dated (on purpose, I'd say) action adventure with comedy. You've got cappucino jokes before most of the audience knew the drink. You've got killer butlers with forearm blades. Singing and dancing. A crazy plot by a psychotic American corporation to make use of an alchemical machine by Leonardo da Vinci. You've got dick and fart jokes, Nintendo jokes, sight gags and cartoon slapstick. You even have "Old CIA, new CIA" jokes. In short, I would love to see a sequel. Overall, I give it a "Glad I own it."
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