Monday, May 01, 2006

Game Design (mostly roleplaying)

I didn't win the Game Chef this year. Moyra Turkington took the coveted Golden Spatula with Crime & Punishment, the roleplaying game of writing for and acting in crime shows.

The wave of the blogosphere also brought me some sales figures for My Life With Master.

Between trying to measure myself up to others and trying to clear sinuses full of mucus, I'm not doing so hot. My man Left Coast helped me out by talking a bit of 1984 Prime. No matter what, I published a game. I committed to printing and distributing my own work. My other cohort, Monsieur Hieronymous, suggests I set a firm release date for 1984 Prime- something like July 4th.

I had a whole rest of a blog post here about narrativism and immersion and the willpower to enact creation, but I have too many histamines. Chicken soup for me.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I totally understand, tissue in hand.